中國指巴拿馬應(yīng)為藥毒死亡案負責(zé) (China Blames Panama for Tainted Deadly Medicine)
A Chinese official says businesses in Panama are mainly responsible for the deaths of at least 51 people who used a medicine mixed with a Chinese-made industrial chemical.
Wei Chuangzhong, the vice minister of Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, said Thursday that a Chinese company had sold the industrial solvent "TD glycerin" to a Spanish company, which then sold it to Panamanian companies. The product was used to make cough syrup and other medicine.
Wei admitted the Chinese companies had mislabeled the product, which contained 15 percent diethylene glycol - a substance used in paint and antifreeze. However, he said the Panamanian companies were mostly at fault because they had renamed the product as "pure glycerine" and changed its expiration date.
Glycerine is frequently used as syrup in medicines and toothpaste.