A large proportion of sushi, which combines raw fish or vegetables with cooked vinegared rice, contains farmed shrimp, prawns or salmon.
Due to climate change, rising sea temperatures led to a drop in anchovy catches in Peru, according to reports.
The cost of the main feed for farmed fish has jumped by almost 50 percent in two weeks to reach a record high.
The increased costs are expected to be passed on to diners as restaurants and cafes serving sushi put up prices to maintain their margins.
文中的sushi就是“壽司”的意思,是日本傳統(tǒng)美食(delicacy)之一,以低的熱量(low calories)、有機(jī)的食材(organic ingredients)受到越來越多人的喜愛,需要注意是,不要將壽司和“刺身”(sashimi)混為一談哦。
最后一段中的margin作名詞時,意為“邊緣;利潤”,如:gross margin (毛利),the margin of a forest (森林的邊緣)。
Due to climate change, rising sea temperatures led to a drop in anchovy catches in Peru, according to reports.
The cost of the main feed for farmed fish has jumped by almost 50 percent in two weeks to reach a record high.
The increased costs are expected to be passed on to diners as restaurants and cafes serving sushi put up prices to maintain their margins.
文中的sushi就是“壽司”的意思,是日本傳統(tǒng)美食(delicacy)之一,以低的熱量(low calories)、有機(jī)的食材(organic ingredients)受到越來越多人的喜愛,需要注意是,不要將壽司和“刺身”(sashimi)混為一談哦。
最后一段中的margin作名詞時,意為“邊緣;利潤”,如:gross margin (毛利),the margin of a forest (森林的邊緣)。