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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2020-04-23  來源:網絡  作者:foodtrans
核心提示:7. Too many cooks spoils the broth!人多手雜反壞事When people are working on an issue or problem, it sometimes is the cas

7. Too many cooks spoils the broth!



When people are working on an issue or problem, it sometimes is the case that more labor is better. If there are more people working on something, they are more likely to come up with a great solution.



However, it could also be the case that too many people trying to work together creates many more problems than it solves. Instead of coming to a conclusion quickly, it could result in a lot of deliberation and slow progress.



In addition, some people may think that the other people on the task force will solve the problem, and they will not take responsibility.



Or, it could be that too many people creates problems with communication and coordination, so that people who work together many not be up to date on the problem’s progress.



In this case, we can say that too many cooks spoils the broth. In other words, sometimes too many people trying to do something can ruin it. This is the case even if we have the best cooks in the world.



The basketball team clearly had the people with the most talent. However, they won fewer games than all the other teams! Looking back, it must have been that too many cooks spoils the broth, and all the superstars could not work well together.



Some big, successful companies such as Google have teams of only a dozen people, maximum. They call this the “two pizza principle”, that teams should be able to be fed with just two pizzas. This is because too many cooks spoils the broth, and larger teams are very difficult to manage.



8. We never miss water until the well runs dry!



When you have all the things you want, it is hard to appreciate everything. This is in part because some of the enjoyment you get out of something comes from the anticipation, or the time that you don’t have it but you are thinking about it.



However, it is very easy to take things for granted. Instead of appreciating something that you have while you have it – such as the love of your family members, your significant other, money, or a safe place to live – you think that you are entitled to these things.



It is only when you no longer have these things that you miss them. The next time that you hear this proverb, you know that someone does not appreciate what they have until they lose it.



Larry wished that he had appreciated his wife more when they had a good relationship. This is because ever since she decided to leave him, he had realized her worth. He never missed water until the well ran dry!



When Bart moved away from home to go to college, he found it very challenging to cook and clean for himself, especially since he had a large course load. It was only that he realized how much work his mother helped him with back home. He never missed water until the well ran dry!



9. Do not bite off more than you can chew!



Biting off more than you can chew means taking on more than you can handle. For example, it would be too much for someone to handle more than three or four projects at once.



Trying to complete any more than that is biting off more than you can chew. In other words, it means trying to do too much at once. If someone feels overwhelmed by all that they have to do, tell them not to bite off more than they can chew!



Before the semester started, I told my best friend Ruth not to bite off more than she could chew. However, she insisted, and decided to take six classes, accept a part time job, and was president of the dance club. Halfway through the semester, she was completely exhausted but she only had herself to blame.



It is good for companies to try many different projects at once, especially if they have the resources to do it. On the other hand, it is not wise to give any single employee to many things to do at once. Do not let individuals bite off more than they can chew!



10. Half a loaf is better than none!



If you are looking around your house for something good to eat, it is better to have half a loaf of bread than none at all.



Even if it does not fill you up completely, you can feel less hungry if you have something to eat rather than nothing. Likewise, in many situations, it is better to have something than nothing, even if that means you did not finish.



Our boss will get mad at you if you have not finished your project by the deadline, but at least you can show him the progress you have made. Half a loaf is better than none!



If you have some things left to do at the end of the day, it could be better to just start on it rather than leave it all for tomorrow. After all, half a loaf is better than none!



11. A watched pot never boils!



This is a very common proverb. It can be used for parents or bosses who want to know everything about something, rather than checking in every once in a while.



It means that if you keep paying attention to something and hoping that it will happen, it will never happen!



Instead, if you set it aside and come check back on it later, it will happen. This is likely because watching something too closely means that you miss big developments.



As a teacher, I tell my overeager parents that a watched pot never boils. After all, constantly having their parents hovering over them will make any child nervous!



Nancy was surprised to find that the police officers made almost all their progress on solving the case when she was not bothering them about it. She finally learned that it takes up the officers’ time if she kept asking questions, and that a watched pot never boils!南希驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn),警察在破案方面幾乎取得了所有的進展,而她卻不去打擾他們。她終于明白,如果她不停地問問題,會占用軍官們的時間,而且被監(jiān)視的鍋永遠不會沸騰!


12. Jump from the frying pan into the fire!



If you are already in the frying pan, that means there is heat on you – or pressure to perform. If you go from a stressful situation to an environmental that is even more stressful – the fire – you go from a bad situation to a worse one.



Our working group avoided jumping from the frying pan into the fire when we decided to abandon the project that was not going well instead of spending more valuable time and resources to save it.



His parents thought that sending Justin to live with his grandparents during the week would help reduce his stress in school. However, his grandparents put even more pressure on him to get great grades and become captain of the basketball and debate teams – asking him to jump from the frying pan into the fire!他的父母認為讓賈斯汀在一周內和爺爺奶奶住在一起有助于減輕他在學校的壓力。然而,他的祖父母給了他更大的壓力,要他取得好成績,成為籃球隊和辯論隊的隊長——讓他從煎鍋里跳進火里!






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